news archive

Here you'll find our PTA news articles from the 2023/2024 academic year

2023/2024 - what a year! July 2024

We've had so much fun this year supporting Mayfield Primary School through a real mix of activities, including: 

Take a look at our video to get a full picture of what we've been up to.

20232024 highlights.mp4

These efforts have helped to raise an unbelievable £20,000 for our school. 

We're amazed by the generosity of you wonderful Mayfield families to donate not only your money but your time, your bakes, and your pre-loved clothes, books and toys. All these efforts have contributed to this amazing figure and we are so grateful to be working alongside you to support the school. Thank you for your ongoing support! 

What we've funded

We've been working closely with Mr Atkinson (with his PTA Staff Representative hat on) to develop an awesome list of projects we're working through alongside some smaller activities that we'll always support. In summary, we've already funded:

We're really looking forward to the next academic year and our thinking caps are firmly on for providing an exciting range of events for our school community. If you have any ideas for events you'd like to see us run, please get in touch. And if you'd like to get involved as a member of the PTA we'd love to have you join us! Just drop us an email -

Thank you again for all your support, have a fantastic summer break and we'll see you in September!

Sunflower competition - we have a winner July 2024

A huge thank you to everyone who entered our annual sunflower growing competition! You've battled against slugs and bad weather but your sunflowers are looking epic! A few have yet to flower so we hope you keep enjoying them throughout the summer holidays.

We're just waiting for school to announce the winner, then we'll share a video of all the entries here. Here are a few of the pictures we were sent as a little teaser. Check back soon for the video!


What a fantastic time we all had last Friday at the annual Mayfield Summer Fair! The weeks of planning were finally over and we were so excited to see the gates open!

It didn't take long for the BBQ to be fired up, guitars to be strummed, the bouncy castles to be bounced on, bikes to be fixed, arrows to be drawn, the samosas to sell out, the photobooth to start papping, portraits to be drawn and all the other activities to get under way!

The Year Group stalls were amazing! Reception hosted the really lovely Stories Among the Trees with lots of Reception parents telling stories across the afternoon, Year 1 held their own School Disco, ever-popular Odds & Evens was back with Year 2, the fantastically designed Egyptian Pong was run by Year 3, Year 4 ran a new addition to the Fair - Pegging on the Line, a brilliantly decorated space-themed Coconut Shy was run by Year 5 and, with a tie-in to their end of year performance, Year 6 ran a fun "Where's Tinkerbell?" game. So much fun, and it was great to see so many teachers, parents and pupils help to look after the stalls.

The other activities were just as enjoyable! Mrs Patterson offered portraits and other craft, Inbal Leitner (from Mayfield Art Club) helped people design and make their own stickers, the PTA and helpers painted lots of faces, Mrs Uddin and Mrs Khan drew beautiful henna tattoos, Decathlon hit the target with archery plus also a free bike surgery, Georgia from Rocksteady gave mini lessons on how to rock, there was a free art station (the final result of which is in the Large Hall for everyone to see), and the bouncy castles were hugely popular too.

Plus Summer Fair favourites Teddy Tombola,  Book Stall and Water & Wine were back and joined by "guess how many sweets in the jar".

We also welcomed guest stalls from Knits and Knots and Smartphone Free Childhood - it was great to have you join us!

So many thank yous!

The Summer Fair really could not have gone ahead without a small army of supporters, so we'd really like to thank:

And finally, a separate, huge, massive and ginormous.... 


....has to go to our amazing crew of volunteers who sacrificed their time to make sure the Fair ran smoothly. You were so amazing and we really couldn't have done it without you. We will host a thank you event soon ❤️

The whole Fair really felt like our Mayfield community came together and the fact that so many local people and businesses supported us in the run up and on the day really helped that. Thank you everyone for making the atmosphere so special. 

All of this and we also raised a huge amount for the school - over £5,300! Amazing work everyone!

Same time next year then?

If you would like to give us any feedback on the event, we'd love to hear your views. Please just complete our short survey below 🙂

Kapla day round 3 June 2024

This Monday saw the last of our brilliant Kapla workshop days, with RBK and Years 1 and 2 taking turns to create yet another amazing structure.

The day started with pupils from RBK all building their own house, adding it to a village then building trees, a river and swimming pools.

It was 2HR's turn next, who built an epic bridge which completely filled one side of the mat. They also built an octopus with some starfish friends.

Next up were 1R who built a fearsome snake, each child doing part of its long body and others working together to make the head and neck!

After lunch it was the turn of 1MC who again all made elements of a massive castle! Individually their builds seemed fairly simple, but when put together the transformation was amazing! Children then took turns to add some of the roof, a pool and trees .

And finally, after much patient waiting, it was the turn of 2E. They got to build on top of the bridge created by their Year 2 peers, adding their own multi-coloured cars on top. It definitely took steady hands!

All five classes then snaked through the Community Room to view the day's build before the Year 4 pupils arrived to demolish and tidy up.

What a fantastic day!

And with this being the last of our three Kapla workshop days, we'd really like to extend our thanks to Jennifer from Kapla Clubs UK - she led the groups amazingly well and tailored each session to the age group perfectly. Thank you Jennifer!

If you are interested in finding out more about what Kapla Clubs UK, you can visit or follow Jennifer on instagram. She is available for school and corporate events, does children's parties and has a summer holiday camp day in Meldreth on Friday 2 August.

RBK's village

The bridge and octopus made by 2HR

1R's snake

The castle by 1MC

The bridge gets covered in cars by 2E

Kapla day round 2 June 2024

Monday saw another fantastic Kapla workshop day, this week being the turn of the Year 3 and 4 classes.

The day started with 4D building a fantastic bridge with a river running across the top of it. Each child made a tower then worked together to make those towers join up!

4SB then arrived to build a structure all around the outside of the mat. They were taught how to build staircases and pillars and then let their imaginations run riot to create really unique structures.

Next up it was the turn of 3T who made two fantastic linked circular structures. Some compared them to amphitheatres, to others they looked like homes. Each one was unique with doorways, steps up and trees by the side.

After lunch it was 3OC who came to have a turn. This time the Kapla was used to create animals! Two huge giraffes (Alan and Alan-etta?) were joined by a pandemonium of parrots with brightly coloured feathers and cheeky faces.

The four classes then had the chance to view the day's work before 6H arrived to demolish and tidy up.

Amazing work everyone!

The amazing bridge made by 4D

4SB's huge wrap-around structure

Circular buildings with 3T

Making animals with 3OC

First Kapla day round-up June 2024

This week saw the first of the PTA-funded Kapla experience days, days that will see every class in school given the time to work together to make something amazing!

This week it was the turn of RJ, plus the Year 5 and 6 classes. 

RJ started off with instructions (in French no less) to lay the small wooden blocks either as "rabbit ears" or "moustaches" to create houses for the Kapla village. They then built swimming pools, trees and a river.

6H were up next, everyone building their own tower to make a winding bridge across the floor. They made spiral staircases too, and the build soon started to rise up.

6B then worked to complete the bridge, connecting each individual tower and making small houses on the bridge itself.

After lunch it was the turn of 5CJ who turned the road bridge into a rail bridge, each pupil making a train carriage and connecting them together.

The final session of the day saw 5B create an amazing tower (which unfortunately fell just before the final picture, but you can see it was more than head-height!), a royal palace and more trees.

All the children who had built that day then got to review how their individual contributions had created one epic project before 6B returned for demolition and tidy up.

A fun, engaging and interesting day for all!

A huge thank you to Jennifer from Kapla Clubs UK and to all the parent helpers who came along and joined in the build!

More Kapla days are coming up - see our events page for dates. And if you can come along to your child's session you can sign up there too. 

The RJ village

6H's handiwork

6B then completed the bridge

5CJ made train carriages to go on top of the bridge

... and finally 5B built a palace and a huge tower

The end result

Mayfield bunting is looking gorgeous! June 2024

A huge thank you to all the children and families who have decorated bunting flags to help us create our very own Mayfield Bunting. And a special thank you to a year 2 family who donated nearly 100 flags!

PTA superstar Aimee has been busy sewing everything together and has shared these fantastic snaps - the flags are creative, colourful,  imaginative and unique. We couldn't have hoped for more ♥️

This is an ongoing project (you can never have too much bunting!) so if you'd like to decorate a flag you can come along to our art stall at the summer fair or you can download template on our bunting page.

You'll be able to see the bunting up and looking awesome at our Summer Fair in a few weeks.

⭐Swimming pool makeover - funded and fixed ⭐may 2024

A huge thank you to everyone who got involved in our Muck-In May sessions to help spruce up the swimming pool area ready for swimming lessons to start. 

The whole space is looking fabulous and we hope children across the school enjoy the revitalised space!

All helpers will be invited to a fun pool session as an extra thank you for all your hard work.

Remember, the money raised by those parents and staff who ran the Cambridge half marathon back in March paid for all the materials we used on this project - a fantastic result for everyone!

lovely day for a fun run may 2024

A really fun morning was had on Sunday for the annual Mayfield Fun Run. 

We were led in a fabulous warm up by Let's Run Girls Run Leader (and Mayfield parent) Orla alongside the fantastic Chesterton Sports Leaders - huge thank you to all of you! 

The toddler run was just adorable with about 20 little ones running across the finish line. Next up we had the 1km which had mass appeal for younger and older runners alike. The 3km was a challenge as the morning warmed up, but everyone did amazingly well. And maybe the less said about the parent run the better...

Well done to all runners, we hope you enjoyed the morning as much as we did.

Huge thanks to everyone who came along, to Mrs Redman for awarding all the medals, Mr Atkinson for his duties as Master of Ceremonies and extra big thank you to Mrs Barnes who was instrumental in the organisation of the event.

We're still crunching the numbers but we think we've raised a fantastic £500 for the school through the Fun Run!

Anyone who gathered sponsorship can bring in their sponsorship money in to the school office.

Reception Bake Sale a hit! may 2024

The Reception families stepped up for a cracking Bake Sale last week, with a fantastic range of homemade bakes. 

Huge thank you to everyone who baked, helped on the stall and came along to sample the wares.

The Bake Sale raised an amazing £252.62!

And a big thank you as well to all the families who donated second hand uniform for our sale. Lots of bargains were grabbed, and I think lots of pupils are now summer-ready.

We raised a fantastic £54.60 on the uniform sale.

an amazing Year 1 Bake Sale april 2024

Year 1 had an amazing Bake Sale last Friday, with an astounding array of home baked goodies, alongside a brilliant number of volunteer helpers, both of which helped to create a lovely atmosphere.

Thank you so much to all the year 1 families who really have set the bar high for home bakes! And thank you to everyone who came along and spent their 50ps.

All this endeavour led to raising a fantastic £250 for the year 1 classrooms!

Our last Bake Sale of the academic year will be hosted by Reception families and will be on Friday 17 May alongside a second hand uniform sale.

⭐Eggs (and chicks) - Funded ⭐april 2024

Just before Easter, the PTA learnt that the Reception classes were planning to bring eggs and an incubator into their classrooms to demonstrate to children the change from egg to chick. 

The school were originally going to ask for donations from parents to cover the cost, picking up any shortfall from school budgets, but the PTA thought "nah, we'll get them". This is exactly the sort of project the PTA love to fund: it's an amazingly hands-on approach to learning across the curriculum... as well as being incredibly cute!

This is what the Reception team were hoping to achieve:

Wow, all that from some eggs! 

Reception children have been really engaged with their new classroom chicks and the rest of the school have had a chance to visit too. Miss Joyce even set up a live stream of the chicks hatching for any children out of school (or parents with nothing better to watch in the evening).

What a brilliant experience for our youngest pupils. Thank you Reception team 🐣

From non-uniform to glue sticks april 2024

On the last day of Spring term we hosted a non-uniform day to raise money for glue sticks across the school. 

We had an amazing response, generating:

The money raised enabled us to buy enough glue sticks for every class to have one per child. Or, to put it another way: One non-uniform day = 407 glue sticks

It might not sound like much, but this has really eased the pressure on classroom budgets. To quote one teacher "Oh my, it feels like Christmas!" A huge thanks to everyone who donated!

laptops gifted to the school march 2024

We're really excited to share that IT company Redgate Software has kindly donated 21 laptops and 4 monitors to the school! 

The school highlighted to the PTA that laptops are really at a premium across the school, and, with some children needing access to a laptop as part of their EHCP, it was clear to us that more laptops would only be a good thing.

The PTA contacted Redgate at just the right time - they were upgrading some of their staff laptops and so instead of these 21 laptops being recycled elsewhere, they are now going to be part of the school's IT assets. A win-win for both the school and Redgate!

Our huge thanks go to Redgate Software - we are so grateful for this donation which will really make a difference to IT provision across our school.

Do you work for a company who may be able to help our school? Find out more on our Donate page

⭐Oddizzi Access - funded! ⭐march 2024

It is part of the PTA's commitment to support learning across the school and we have a particular focus on supporting core curriculum areas where we can. 

We are therefore delighted to share that we are supporting Geography through buying access to the online learning resource Oddizzi. 

Miss Taylor (Year 3 teacher and Geography Lead) tells us:

"I learned about Oddizzi on a recent Geography training session.  It has interesting resources for teachers to use in class and also for children to access for research and general interest.  

"A particularly popular part is the Quizzes.  These are multiple choice on a wide range of topics.  Your child needs to log on using their username and password - this is the same for the whole class.  To play a quiz they need to know their pupil number, or they can play as Monty and contribute to their class score.  

"We are hoping that this contributes to children's geographical knowledge and also helps their reading of questions."

Sounds fantastic Miss Taylor! 

Your child should come home with details on how to access Oddizzi over the next couple of weeks.

To find out more about how we are planning to use the funds we've raised to benefit the whole school please visit our Projects page

World Book Day march 2024

A great day was had by all at this year's World Book Day! The school hosted an amazing whole-school assembly where everyone gathered and shared their outfits and Extreme Reading photos and there was a great atmosphere across the school all day long.

The book swap was a huge success with every child given the opportunity to take a book home from all of those donated by families. Thank you so much for all your kind donations. The School Librarian also had a look through the donated books after the book swap and gathered a pretty good haul for the library shelves ♥️. Remaining books were then sold after school, meaning all-in-all the book swap and sale made a brilliant £110 for the school.

And a huge thank you to our expert bakers who created some amazing bakes for our book-themed bake sale. We really didn't want to chop into them, but we had to as the sale was a complete sell out! The Bake Sale raised a fabulous £180 for the school!

Cambridge half marathon march 2024

Thank you so much to everyone who ran, cheered, high-fived, sponsored and supported all our Mayfield Runners at Sunday's Cambridge Half Marathon!

We may have had sore legs and feet afterwards, but we also definitely had a warm glow of achievement (although maybe that was just the Deep Heat kicking in?). 

Runners included teachers (Mrs Jarman, Miss Taylor, Mrs Barnes and Mrs Stepney), members of the PTA and parents of children at the school.

We've had an amazing response to our call for sponsorship, with £1,945 raised (plus an extra £345 in Gift Aid)! If you would like to donate but haven't done so yet, please visit our JustGiving page 😀

Funds raised will be used to revamp the swimming pool area. Watch this space for more information and to get involved!

Thank you again! Same time next year....?

Brilliant fun at the school disco february 2024

A fab time was had by all at the school disco just before half term. There were sequin and sweeties, glowsticks and grooving, foam and flossing!

We raised an amazing £900 for the school!

Thank you to everyone who came along and supported the event - we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

And a huge, huge thanks to everyone who volunteered their help on the night, you really did help make the whole event run smoothly!

The school disco will return in the Autumn term.

Another fantastic bake sale! february 2024

Huge thank you to all the Year 2 families who helped out, baked and bought goodies along to the Year 2 Bake Sale last week. There were some amazing bakes!

And thank you to everyone who came along and bought the bakes! 

We raised a fab £269.22 for the Year 2 classrooms. Great work all round everyone 😍

Environment Improvement Bid - success! january 2024

We got the fabulous news last week that our bid for £4,500 of Council funding via the Environment Improvement Programme (EIP) bid was a success! Brilliant news!

The EIP bid was put together by the PTA and sought to enhance the biodiversity of our grounds for the benefit of our school pupils and anyone else who uses the school grounds. The bid was approved following careful consideration from the North Area Committee and given final approval from the Executive Councillor for Openspaces and City Services.

Thank you to everyone who spent time bidding on our proposal, it really did make a huge difference ♥️

We will keep you up to date with next steps and (of course!) be showing you how that money has been used to benefit our school environment as soon as we can.

RECORD Year 3 Bake Sale january 2024

Thank you to everyone who braved the cold last week to support our Year 3 Bake Sale! 

There were cakes a-plenty, with a great spread of homemade and shop-bought goodies, a fab selection of dietary specific treats and a lot of welcoming smiles from our fabulous volunteers. What a team!

And (drum roll please) all those bakes made an amazing £320.23 - a new Bake Sale record! Well done Year 3 🏆

Additional thank yous to everyone who donated second hand uniform to our sale. Many bargains were had and we raised an impressive £49 for the school.

The next Bake Sale will be the turn of Year 2 in February.

winter craft days creative and fun! december 2023

What a great time we had during the Winter Craft Days! We were so pleased to be back running the sessions in the large hall with lots of amazing parent helpers joining us across the two days.

There were focused eyes and hands, creative flair and paper chain making competitions, alongside some great crafting. Well done to all the children who took part, they did amazingly well and created some lovely festive items! We hope you're now enjoying their crafts as much as they enjoyed making them. 

We tried really hard to make sure the children created winter crafts that were fun and relevant to their age groups as well as having as little environmental impact as possible, with lots of what we used being recycled or recyclable wherever possible.

Special thanks to Inbal (from Mayfield Art Club) and Agnes (from Mayfield Gardening Club) who took charge of making cards for lots of the school. The creations they helped to make were unique and delicate and really inspired lots of the children. Thank you so much for bringing your expertise to the craft days!

And of course a big thanks to all the parent (and grandparent!) helpers who came along and got stuck in - we could not have run the day without you! 

If you haven't donated to the craft day and would like to do so, the link will stay live on ParentPay for the next week or so. All money raised is used to fund the craft day or to supply the school with extra craft equipment. 

⭐Funded!⭐december 2023

We love running the events that you all attend, we hope they are lots of fun and help bring the school together, giving you a chance to meet other families and engage with staff and teachers in an informal setting. 

But of course one of our main aims for these events is to raise money for the school. That money is used carefully to help bridge the gap between the needs of the school and the funds they have available to them. Here's an update of what we've funded this term.

Reception furniture - FUNDED

The Foundation Stage team got in touch with the PTA recently to highlight that they were in need of indoor and outdoor storage for the Reception play area. We crunched some numbers and were happy to help - here are some pictures of the new furniture and rugs in place - it's looking so welcoming and cosy (and organised!).

Helping Santa deliver the goods - FUNDED

Everyone needs a helping hand sometimes, and Santa is no different. We helped him deliver a wide range of goodies to the classrooms this year, including origami paper, games like Mancala, Bananagrams and Snakes & Ladders, tennis balls, notebooks, a butterfly garden, a marble run, art supplies and books. 

Merry Christmas everyone!

Year 4 Bake sale delivers festive goodies december 2023

Huge thanks to the Year 4 families who made such a delicious array of festive bakes for last week's Y4 Bake Sale. 

The cakes were delicious, the helpers were amazing and the sale raised a fantastic £195 for the school - well done and thank you to everyone involved!

christmas Trees collected and up! december 2023

This was our first year selling Christmas trees to raise money for the school and we were amazed at the response. Thank you to everyone who bought a tree - we hope you'e enjoying them up in your house!

We had great fun giving the trees out with Christmas music on the go and mulled wine and mince pies  enjoyed by many of you. 

And (most importantly) we raised an amazing £1,350 for the school.

Same time next year then!

🎄Thank you to those of you who have shared pictures of your tree. We'd love to see more - please send them through to 🎄


...And it wasn't just Mrs McCombe and Mrs Priest who donned their onesies for Children in Need last week - there were onesies, Pudsey ears, fancy dress and great outfits all round, all to raise money for this great cause.

Well done everyone - we raised over £630! 

Lovely bakes at the Y5 bake sale November 2023

Friday 10th November saw a great range of bakes created by the Y5 families being sold at our latest bake sale.

There was an army of helpers and a huge range of goodies (including loads of delicious homemade ones) on offer!

Thank you to all the Year 5 families who helped out, baked and bought. And to everyone who came along, donated their money and sampled the goods.

All that baking raised an amazing £234.50 for the school - money that will be used to directly benefit the Y5 classrooms. Great work everyone!

Disco fever November 2023

A great night was had by all at our School Disco on Friday 3rd November. 

There we three discos: one for Reception and Year 1; one for Years 2 and 3; and one for Years 4, 5 and 6. Each disco saw our pupils lighting up the dancefloor.

There was foam, cheering, some amazing moves and lots of Gangnam Style across the three discos - we hope you all had a great time!

We run these events so that our pupils can have a great experience and a fun night, but also to raise money for our school too. And this event didn't disappoint on either counts - we raised an amazing £994 (and 9 raisins 😅) for the PTA!

A huge thank you to all our volunteers who helped the whole event run smoothly. We had helpers from all year groups which was fantastic!

Also a big thank you to everyone who booked their tickets in advance through ParentPay, it really helped us get everyone in quickly. 😀

I'm sure we'll be running more discos again soon! And remember, you can have your say about the events we run by contacting us at - we'd love to hear your feedback on the events we run and ideas for other events too.

Mrs Ayliffe Celebrations round-up october 2023

A huge thank you to everyone who joined us on Friday 13th October to celebrate Mrs Ayliffe as she retires from teaching. Mrs Ayliffe has been a fundamental part of Mayfield over the last 20-odd years so we couldn't let her go without a good send off!

There were amazing bakes, fantastic Mrs Ayliffe-inspired artworks and a few tears on the day, accompanied by the Guys and Dolls soundtrack (chosen by Mrs Ayliffe herself).

Mrs Ayliffe joined the PTA in the kitchen to help choose the winners of the Great Mrs Ayliffe Bake-Off. 

We're not sure she was expecting to see her face on quite so many cakes but we did see her sneak some of the cupcakes home so she can't have minded too much.

And the winners were...

It's a tough job, but Mrs Ayliffe rose to the challenge and tasted all the cakes donated to the bake sale. 

Huge congratulations to Mrs Ayliffe's winners: Daisy, Drew and Freddie.

Special mention to Freddie who made Mrs Ayliffe's favourite fridge cake with dairy milk chocolate with cherries in. To quote Mrs Ayliffe "Just like my mother used to make" 😍

Bake off winners all received a special edition Mayfield apron!

And it wasn't just the bakes that were creative. A huge thank you to all the children who entered our Mrs Ayliffe inspired art competition. There were some really lovely entries and Mrs Ayliffe has happily taken all the creations home. Mrs Stepney stepped in to judge and chose these pirctures from Victoria (in KS2) and Miriam (in KS1) - Mrs Stepney said both winners had captured Mrs Ayliffe's smile perfectly.

Thank you to everyone who helped on the day, those of you who baked and created and all who came along to celebrate the amazing contribution Mrs Ayliffe has made to the school. 

She will be sorely missed, but we hear she will be popping in from time to time.

Governors & PTA Quiz Night october 2023

A huge thank you to the school Governors (especially Anna and Andrew) for running such a fun quiz night! There was a great atmosphere and some stiff competition amongst the parents. 

Congratulations to the winning team - the "Fake Professors".

A great night was had by all and we raised over £200 for the school. Same again next year!

2023/24 Bake sales are off with a bang! october 2023

A huge Mayfield THANK YOU to everyone who helped and supported the Y6 bake sale, uniform and impromptu plant sale last week. The playground was buzzing and with gardening club on the go too it really felt like the school grounds were alive with activity.

Gratitude time:

Over the course of the afternoon's activities we all raised an amazing £500 for our school - £320 coming from the Bake Sale (a new record!) and over £180 from the sale of the plants and second hand uniform. A great achievement!

Keep an eye on our events page for news on upcoming bake sales and we aim to host another uniform sale in January.

Vote for mayfield to win council funding september 2023

Each year, Cambridge City Council opens bidding for an Environmental Improvement Programme where they fund community-led projects that benefit local spaces. The PTA have submitted a proposal for funds from this programme to help us improve our outside play areas. 

Last year the junior playground was looking very sad with a derelict raised bed that was both unattractive and a danger to those playing nearby. The school and PTA have worked hard to find the money needed to remove that raised bed and now we are bidding for funding to transform that area into a wildlife hotspot - this will have benefits to the local environment, the school, the pupils and all the visitors that come through our grounds. 

Voting has now closed for this project. We will keep you up to date with any news - fingers crossed everyone!